Engaging Indoor Team Building Activities for Employees

Below mentioned few indoor team building activities for employees that they can engage in during free office hours:

1. Code of Conduct
  • Write down the words "Pleasant" and "Meaningful" on a whiteboard.
  • Ask each person in the room to suggest something that would make this workshop pleasant and meaningful. Also, ask them to write down their suggestions on sticky notes.
  • Make sure that everyone has the same understanding of the idea of the suggestion. Otherwise, change the suggestion until it is agreed upon by every member.
  • Ask everyone how it can be ensured that the idea is followed during the workshop. Paste the sticky notes of the agreed upon suggestions on the whiteboard.
  • All ideas that were agreed upon as being "meaningful" and "pleasant" make up the code of conduct for the group and have to be followed through the rest of the workshop.
2. Camping Stories
  • List down 5 or 6 words that can help start a storytelling session. These could be words like ‘first day’, ‘best day’, ‘worst experience’, etc. Write them down on sticky notes.
  • Post all the sticky notes on a board.
  • Ask the members to choose a word and then share an experience.
  • Ask the rest of the members to write down words that remind them of similar work-related incidents. Jot these words down on sticky notes and paste them on the board.
  • Repeat these steps until you have a "wall of words" with interconnected stories.
3. Back of the Napkin
  • Think about some open-ended problems related to your workplace.
  • Split into teams of 2 to 4 people. It's better to team up with co-workers you are not familiar with or haven't worked with yet.
  • Provide each team with a folded napkin and a pen.
  • Each team is required to draw a solution to the problem as a sketch/graph. Discuss all solutions and choose the best one.

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  1. Amazing Blog. Without having to hear the sound of groaning to encourage your team to learn about each other, Indoor team building activities help everyone to get active and work together.
