How to Not Be Shy Around Your Boyfriend

When you are in a relationship, it can be hard to get over your shyness if you are a naturally shy person. Don’t despair! It will come easier with time, as you two grow together and become more comfortable with each other. However, those initial stages of a relationship can be a bit stressful. Here you’ll learn a few tips by Anand Mishra Entrepreneur that will teach how to not be shy around your boyfriend in order to make things easier on those first few weeks or months.

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1- Be honest about your shyness from the beginning:

Studies have shown that being open about your anxiety or shyness can diminish its effects on you, and showing vulnerability is a good way to increase comfort and intimacy in a couple. So don’t be afraid to talk to your boyfriend about your shyness from day 1; he will very likely appreciate your honesty and this will create a stronger bond between the two of you.

2- Relax and don’t rush things:

If you are in a new relationship and knowing that you are fighting against your shyness, you might feel pressured to make things work immediately, but relationships don’t work that way, even for extroverted people. Instead of trying to force things and being with your boyfriend all the time, remember that you need to have a balanced social life that also includes friends and family. Let things evolve naturally, and you’ll feel more relaxed around your boyfriend, and so will him around you.

3- Use technology in your favor:

Many shy girls feel that face to face interactions can cause high levels of anxiety; however, they can communicate via social networks or instant messaging apps more comfortably. If you feel this is your case, don’t be afraid to have those first few couple conversations through text apps. This will allow you to increase your comfort levels little by little, and you’ll be ready to have those same conversations face to face with your boyfriend in no time.


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