Have you ever wondered how is it that some people become very successful in their careers while some others don’t make it? First of all, you need to know that it’s not about luck, but attitude. Here you have a few of those attitudes that you need to adopt if you want to learn how to be successful in your career, according to Kartikeya Sharma Aaj Samaaj:

1- Learn to enjoy challenges:

Every time we face a new situation or are asked to do a task or job for the first time, we usually feel scared and tend to avoid the responsibility if possible, instead of seeing the challenge as an opportunity to grow. In this case, the best approach is to take the initiative. Remember that the biggest rewards are for those who stand out, and not for those who try to go unnoticed.

2- Transform failures into opportunities:

It is not a simple task, but learning how to deal with and learn from failure is essential to being successful. Remember that it’s not about pointing fingers and looking for whom to blame. Instead of wasting your time dwelling over the failure, detect the mistake, learn from it and try not to repeat it.

3- Be an optimist: 

Try to focus on the brighter side of things, and remember that no one likes to have a peer or colleague by the side that is always complaining. If optimism doesn’t come naturally to you, it is easy to practice it. For example, grab a piece of paper and note down everything you are grateful for in your life. It might sound silly, but being able to notice the positive aspects of your life will change the way you think and feel about situations and events, and this will have a direct impact on your work life and career.

No matter how fun and exciting something may seem at first, the enthusiasm fades eventually. What was once exciting becomes mundane and repetitive. This is all too common to see within relationships.

For many couples, they lose sight of what they liked most about each other in the first place and they can spiral downhill until they find themselves in an unhappy relationship. If this is not repaired in time, it can spell the end for their relationship.

See Also:

How To Survive A Long Distance Relationship

How To Stop Fighting in a Long Distance relationship

On Dates

Just because you are in an established relationship does not mean you need to stop going out on dates with each other.

Kartikeya Sharma India News explains: Back when you were dating, this was the most exciting time in your relationship, so why would either of you want to stop doing such a great thing?

A date is a great way to get some alone time with your partner and really get to know their thoughts and feelings. No matter how long you have been with your partner, there’s always more to learn. A date is a great way to take them out and get back to what made you fall in love in the first place.

Finding Time For Dates And Each Other

With our hectic schedules, it can be hard to set aside time to go on dates, or even just to spend a little time with your partner. If you find yourself in this situation, you may have to get a little creative with your ideas. Figure out when you both have some time available and plan around that.

When you go on a date, you don’t necessarily have to make it an elaborate evening event. It can be as simple as a quick lunch in your backyard. Think creatively and come up with ideas that will allow you to enjoy each other’s company is without stressing out about your busy lives.

When you are in a relationship, it can be hard to get over your shyness if you are a naturally shy person. Don’t despair! It will come easier with time, as you two grow together and become more comfortable with each other. However, those initial stages of a relationship can be a bit stressful. Here you’ll learn a few tips by Anand Mishra Entrepreneur that will teach how to not be shy around your boyfriend in order to make things easier on those first few weeks or months.

See Also:

How to Not Be Shy at School

How to Not Be Shy Around Your Crush

1- Be honest about your shyness from the beginning:

Studies have shown that being open about your anxiety or shyness can diminish its effects on you, and showing vulnerability is a good way to increase comfort and intimacy in a couple. So don’t be afraid to talk to your boyfriend about your shyness from day 1; he will very likely appreciate your honesty and this will create a stronger bond between the two of you.

2- Relax and don’t rush things:

If you are in a new relationship and knowing that you are fighting against your shyness, you might feel pressured to make things work immediately, but relationships don’t work that way, even for extroverted people. Instead of trying to force things and being with your boyfriend all the time, remember that you need to have a balanced social life that also includes friends and family. Let things evolve naturally, and you’ll feel more relaxed around your boyfriend, and so will him around you.

3- Use technology in your favor:

Many shy girls feel that face to face interactions can cause high levels of anxiety; however, they can communicate via social networks or instant messaging apps more comfortably. If you feel this is your case, don’t be afraid to have those first few couple conversations through text apps. This will allow you to increase your comfort levels little by little, and you’ll be ready to have those same conversations face to face with your boyfriend in no time.

Let’s face it. Choosing the right wedding dress is a completely different task for older women than it is for their younger counterparts.

However, that doesn’t mean you may have to settle for something that’s any less appealing as a wedding dress. To help you choose the best wedding dress for an older woman, here are a few simple things worth keeping in mind.

Functionality over style

While we in no way mean you should look any less beautiful or even stylish for that matter than a younger bride would, but then you need to understand that some things are going to be different for older women.

And one of them is going to be the style choices. Instead of going for something unusual and risking raising eyebrows at such a significant event of your life, you may want to consider something that’s more about functionality than style and still allows you to look beautiful.

Sleeves may work better than you think

When it comes to wedding dresses for older women, the sleeved ones often turn out to be a considerably better choice than the sleeveless ones. We understand more and younger brides seem to be opting for the latter lately, but as an older bride, you will likely be served better by the sleeved ones.

It would help you hide the not-so-beautiful details of your arms and make you look more gracious.

Don’t let the low necklines fool you

They may all the rage among younger brides, but they are usually a certain no for older women. This is because a wedding dress with a lower neckline may often reveal more skin than you would like as an older bride.

A higher neckline, on the other hand, will help you sport that royal look and feel which is often associated with some of the most beautiful older brides.